Organic System Plan Development Services

Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment

  • o Description: Conduct a comprehensive consultation to understand the client's organic certification needs and operational specifics.
  • Deliverables: Needs assessment report, initial recommendations.

Organic System Plan Creation

  • Description: Develop a customized Organic System Plan (OSP) tailored to the client’s
    operations, including production, processing, and handling.
  •  Deliverables: Complete Organic System Plan document, including operational details
    and compliance strategies.

Compliance Strategy Formulation

  • Description: Formulate strategies to ensure compliance with organic standards,
    including practices for organic production, pest management, and facility maintenance.
    o Deliverables: Compliance strategy outline, implementation guidelines.

Documentation Preparation

  • Description: Prepare all necessary documentation required for the Organic System Plan,
    including records, forms, and procedures.

    o Deliverables: Prepared and organized documentation package.

Labeling and Packaging Guidance

  • Description: Provide guidance on organic labeling and packaging requirements to
    ensure that labels meet certification standards.
  • Deliverables: Labeling and packaging guidelines, sample label reviews.

Supplier and Ingredient Verification

  • Description: Verify that all suppliers and ingredients meet organic certification
    standards and maintain proper records.
    o Deliverables: Supplier verification report, ingredient compliance documentation.

Staff Training and Education

  • Description: Develop and deliver training programs for staff on the Organic System Plan,
    including best practices and compliance requirements.
    o Deliverables: Training materials, records of training sessions.

Internal System Audits

  • Description: Conduct internal audits to review the effectiveness of the Organic System
    Plan and identify areas for improvement.
  •  Deliverables: Internal audit reports, action plans for improvements.

Risk Assessment and Management

  • Description: Perform risk assessments to identify potential issues within the Organic
    System Plan and develop mitigation strategies.
    o Deliverables: Risk assessment report, mitigation strategies.

Ongoing Plan Review and Updates

  • o Description: Regularly review and update the Organic System Plan to ensure continuous
    compliance with organic standards and address any changes in regulations.
  •  Deliverables: Updated Organic System Plan, ongoing review reports.

Certification Preparation Support

  • Description: Assist in preparing for the organic certification audit, including reviewing  the Organic System Plan and ensuring all requirements are met.
  •  Deliverables: Certification preparation checklist, audit support documentation.

Regulatory Guidance and Support

  • Description: Provide ongoing guidance on organic regulations and standards, including
    updates and changes that impact the Organic System Plan.

    o Deliverables: Regulatory updates, guidance documents.

Custom Plan Adjustments

  • Description: Make adjustments to the Organic System Plan based on feedback from
    certification bodies or changes in business operations.
  •  Deliverables: Revised Organic System Plan, adjustment documentation.

These services are designed to ensure that your Organic System Plan is comprehensive, compliant, and tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.

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