Recruitment and Hiring Services

Job Posting and Advertising

Custom Job Advertisement Creation:

Deliverable: Posting job advertisements on popular job boards, social media channels, and your company’s career page to maximize reach and candidate engagement.

Targeted Recruitment Advertising:

Deliverable: Implementing targeted ad campaigns to reach specific candidate demographics and enhance the visibility of your job openings.

Ongoing Job Listing Management:

Deliverable: Regular updates and management of job listings to ensure accuracy and relevance, including optimization based on candidate responses.

Resume Screening

Thorough Resume Review and Shortlisting:

Deliverable: Comprehensive review of incoming resumes to identify and shortlist candidates who best meet the job requirements and qualifications.

Automated Resume Screening Solutions:

Deliverable: Utilizing advanced resume screening tools to efficiently filter candidates based on predefined criteria and qualifications.

Detailed Candidate Matching Report:

Deliverable: A detailed report highlighting the most qualified candidates, including a summary of their skills, experience, and alignment with job criteria.

Compensation Queries

Efficient Compensation Support:

Deliverable: Provide responsive and accurate support for employee queries related to payroll and compensation through various communication channels.

Prompt Resolution of Payroll Issues:

Deliverable: Address and resolve payroll discrepancies or issues reported by employees swiftly, ensuring timely adjustments and accurate compensation.

Comprehensive Compensation Resources:

Deliverable: Create and maintain detailed resources, such as FAQs and guides, to help employees understand their compensation and address common questions.

Initial Screening Interviews:

Deliverable: Conducting preliminary interviews to further evaluate candidate fit and refine the shortlist of potential hires.

Candidate Interviews

Video Interview Scheduling and Coordination:

Deliverable: Organizing and coordinating video interviews, including sending invitations, managing logistics, and ensuring smooth execution.

Professional Interview Facilitation:

Deliverable: Conducting structured video interviews to assess candidates' qualifications, skills, and cultural fit for your organization.

Comprehensive Interview Feedback and Evaluation:

Deliverable: Providing detailed feedback and evaluation reports following interviews to support informed hiring decisions.

Skills Assessment and Testing:

Deliverable: Designing and administering relevant skills assessments or tests to evaluate candidates' abilities and suitability for the role.

Background Checks

Background Checks

Deliverable: Performing thorough remote background checks to verify candidates’ employment history, educational credentials, and other relevant information.

Professional Interview Facilitation:

Deliverable: Conducting remote reference checks to gather insights and feedback from previous employers or professional contacts about the candidate's performance.

Compliance and Privacy Assurance:

Deliverable: Ensuring that all background and reference checks adhere to legal and privacy regulations to protect both your company and the candidate.

Detailed Background Check Reports:

Deliverable: Providing detailed reports on background check findings, including actionable insights and recommendations based on the results.

Achieve Recruitment Excellence with InterlinkIQ: Professional Job Listings, Automated Resume Filtering, and Thorough Background Checks!

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