Beef CCPs

Animal Health and Welfare

          • Control Point: Ensure only healthy animals are processed, meeting welfare and safety standards.
          • InterlinkIQ Feature: Automated health tracking and compliance system for livestock, integrated with veterinary records.
          • Monitoring: Real-time health data from animal checks, with alerts for any non-compliance with health standards.
          • Critical Limit: Only healthy animals, as tracked and verified by InterlinkIQ, enter the production chain.

Stunning and Slaughter Process

          • Control Point: Ensure humane stunning and slaughter methods are followed to reduce suffering.
          • InterlinkIQ Feature: Slaughter process tracking integrated with animal handling logs to ensure humane practices.
          • Monitoring: Real-time tracking of stunning procedures with automated verification for compliance with regulations.
          • Critical Limit: Humane stunning verified by InterlinkIQ, with alerts for any deviations from standard procedures.

Carcass Temperature Control

        • Control Point: Maintain proper chilling to prevent bacterial growth on carcasses.
        • InterlinkIQ Feature: Real-time temperature tracking for carcasses with automated alerts for any temperature breaches.
        • Monitoring: Continuous, automated monitoring of carcass temperatures from slaughter to processing.
        • Critical Limit: Carcass temperature must be reduced below 5°C, tracked and logged automatically by InterlinkIQ.

Microbial Testing for Pathogens

        • Control Point: Ensure beef is free from harmful pathogens through regular testing.
        • InterlinkIQ Feature: Automated microbial testing schedules and result integration into the production workflow.
        • Monitoring: System-logged microbial tests with automated alerts for any detected pathogens.
        • Critical Limit: Pathogen levels must meet safety standards, verified by InterlinkIQ with real-time test results.

Contamination Prevention During Processing

        • Control Point: Prevent cross-contamination of beef during processing stages.
        • InterlinkIQ Feature: Equipment sanitation and worker hygiene tracked with real-time alerts for compliance issues.
        • Monitoring: Automated sanitation schedules and hygiene monitoring for each processing step.
        • Critical Limit: No cross-contamination, as monitored by InterlinkIQ’s hygiene compliance module.

Metal Detection and Foreign Object Control

        • Control Point: Ensure no foreign objects are present in final products.
        • InterlinkIQ Feature: Integrated metal detection system that logs detection data and triggers alerts.
        • Monitoring: Automated metal detection with system-generated compliance reports for each batch.
        • Critical Limit: No foreign objects detected, verified by InterlinkIQ’s detection tracking and alert system.

Packaging Integrity and Labeling

      • Control Point: Ensure proper packaging and accurate labeling of beef products.
      • InterlinkIQ Feature: Packaging integrity verification integrated with labeling checks for allergens and expiration dates.
      • Monitoring: Real-time packaging and labeling verification with automated alerts for any discrepancies.
      • Critical Limit: Packaging must be sealed and labels accurate, verified in real-time by the system.

Storage and Transportation

      • Control Point: Ensure proper temperature control during storage and transportation to prevent spoilage.
      • InterlinkIQ Feature: Automated temperature monitoring for storage and transport with alerts for temperature deviations.
      • Monitoring: Continuous tracking of storage and transport conditions, logged automatically by the system.
      • Critical Limit: Beef must be stored and transported below 5°C, tracked and validated by InterlinkIQ.

Traceability and Recall Procedures

        • Control Point: Ensure complete traceability of beef products for recall management.
        • InterlinkIQ Feature: Full traceability module, linking batch data, slaughter dates, and distribution records for each product.
        • Monitoring: Automated traceability tracking for every stage of the production process, enabling instant recall capability.
        • Critical Limit: 100% traceability, maintained by InterlinkIQ’s traceability and recall system.

InterlinkIQ’s software transforms beef production by providing advanced, real-time monitoring and automation for all CCPs. From animal health tracking and temperature control to cross-contamination prevention and traceability, InterlinkIQ ensures that every stage of beef production meets safety standards, reduces contamination risks, and guarantees compliance. Automated alerts, integrated compliance logs, and full traceability enable beef producers to manage their critical control points effectively and respond quickly to potential safety issues.

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