Amazon Food Product Page Review Service

Principal Display Panel (PDP)

Verify that the PDP prominently displays necessary information in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Statement of Identity

Ensure the product's identity is clear and accurately represented.

Net Quantity Contents

Confirm the net quantity of contents is correctly stated.

Label Artwork

Review the design and placement of label artwork for compliance.

Designation of Ingredients

Check that ingredients are properly designated and listed.

Common or Usual Name for Ingredients

Verify that common or usual names are used for ingredients. Manufacturer, Packer, or Distributor: Ensure the name and place of business are clearly stated.

Country of Origin

Confirm the country of origin is correctly declared.

Food Allergen Declaration

Review allergen declarations for accuracy and completeness.

Special Storage Instructions

Verify that any special storage instructions are included, if applicable.

Suggested Use

Ensure suggested use instructions are provided as necessary.

Warning / Caution

Check that any required warnings or cautions are clearly stated.


Review disclaimers to ensure they meet regulatory requirements.

Nutritional / Supplemental Labeling (for Food/Dietary Supplements)

Confirm nutritional or supplemental information is accurate and compliant.


Verify the UPC or barcode is correctly displayed.

Lot Number

Ensure lot numbers are included if required.


Review any claims made on the product page for accuracy and compliance. Additional Label Review Observations: Provide insights on other relevant labeling aspects.

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