Amazon Cosmetics Product Page Review Service

Principal Display Panel (PDP)

Assess the PDP for proper size, placement, and identity labeling.


Verify that the product size is accurately represented.

Placement of Information on Labels

Check the placement of required information on cosmetic labels.


Ensure that all required information is provided in the appropriate language.

Designation of Ingredients

Review the designation and order of ingredient declaration.

Order of Ingredient Declaration

Confirm that ingredients are listed in the correct order.

Manufacturer, Packer, or Distributor

Verify the name and place of business are properly listed.

Declaration of Net Quantity of Contents

Ensure the net quantity is clearly declared.

Material Facts

Asess whether material facts are included as required.

Establishment of Warning Statements

Check that any required warning statements are established.

Conspicuousness of Warning Statements

Ensure warning statements are conspicuous and easily readable.

Labeling of Cosmetic Products with Unsubstantiated Safety Claims

Verify labeling for products lacking adequate safety substantiation.

Country of Origin

Confirm accurate declaration of the country of origin.


Ensure UPC or barcode compliance.

Made in USA Labeling

Verify Made in USA claims, if applicable.


Review all claims made for accuracy and compliance.

Additional Label Review Observations

Provide additional observations as needed.

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