Dairy CCPs

Milk Sourcing and Quality Control

  • Control Point: Ensure milk quality meets safety standards before processing.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Supplier management module tracks certifications, microbial testing, and antibiotic screening data.
  • Monitoring: Automated supplier verification and milk quality test results are logged in InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Only approved milk that passes quality checks is used, managed through InterlinkIQ’s compliance tracking system.


  • Control Point: Ensure proper pasteurization to eliminate harmful bacteria.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Pasteurization monitoring module tracks real-time temperature and time data.
  • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and automatic logging of pasteurization data in InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Pasteurization temperatures must meet defined limits, tracked by InterlinkIQ’s process control system.

Cooling and Storage of Raw and Pasteurized Milk

  • Control Point: Maintain proper cooling and storage temperatures to prevent spoilage.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Temperature monitoring module tracks cooling and storage conditions.
  • Monitoring: Continuous temperature data is logged with alerts for deviations via InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Milk must be stored below 7°C (raw) and 4°C (pasteurized), managed by InterlinkIQ’s temperature control system.

Cleaning and Sanitation of Equipment

  • Control Point: Ensure sanitation of equipment to avoid cross-contamination.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Sanitation monitoring module tracks cleaning schedules and ATP swab test results.
  • Monitoring: Real-time logging of cleaning activities and swab test results via InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Equipment surfaces must meet cleanliness standards, verified through InterlinkIQ’s sanitation control system.


  • Control Point: Ensure effective homogenization for product consistency.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Homogenization control module tracks pressure and temperature during the process.
  • Monitoring: Continuous tracking of process parameters with data logged in InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Pressure must exceed 2,000 psi for proper homogenization, monitored by InterlinkIQ’s process control system.

Additives and Ingredients Control

  • Control Point: Ensure additives and ingredients are safe and used in correct quantities.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Ingredient management module tracks batch numbers, usage rates, and compliance data.
  • Monitoring: Ingredient quantities are tracked in real-time and logged via InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Additive use must comply with regulatory guidelines, managed through InterlinkIQ’s ingredient control system.

Packaging Integrity

  • Control Point: Ensure packaging is intact and sealed properly to avoid contamination.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Packaging control module tracks visual inspections and automated seal checks.
  • Monitoring: Packaging integrity data is logged, and defects are flagged through InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Packaging must be free of defects, verified via InterlinkIQ’s packaging control system.

Finished Product Testing

  • Control Point: Ensure finished dairy products are free from pathogens.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Microbial testing module schedules and tracks tests for pathogens in finished products.
  • Monitoring: Test results are logged in real-time and compliance reports generated via InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: No pathogens should be present, verified through InterlinkIQ’s microbial testing and compliance system.

Cold Chain Management for Distribution

  • Control Point: Ensure cold chain integrity during distribution to maintain product safety.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Cold chain monitoring module tracks real-time temperature during storage and transport.
  • Monitoring: Continuous temperature monitoring with alerts for deviations is managed via InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Products must remain at or below 4°C throughout distribution, tracked by InterlinkIQ’s cold chain control system.

Traceability and Recall Procedures

  • Control Point: Ensure full traceability of milk from source to consumer.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Traceability module tracks milk batches, supplier details, and processing data.
  • Monitoring: Complete traceability is ensured with real-time data logging in InterlinkIQ, facilitating recall management.
  • Critical Limit: 100% traceability is maintained, with all traceable data available in InterlinkIQ’s recall management system.

InterlinkIQ software enhances the management of Critical Control Points (CCPs) in dairy production by providing real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and compliance tracking. From milk sourcing and pasteurization to cooling, homogenization, and packaging, InterlinkIQ helps ensure dairy products meet safety, quality, and regulatory standards while streamlining operations and traceability throughout the production process.

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