Functional Foods CCPs

Raw Material Sourcing and Quality Control

  • Control Point: Ensure all ingredients meet safety and quality standards before use in production.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Supplier management module tracks incoming ingredient shipments, inspections, and test results.
  • Monitoring: Automated tracking of COAs and ingredient test results via InterlinkIQ’s material verification system.
  • Critical Limit: Only approved ingredients that pass quality checks are used, managed through InterlinkIQ’s compliance tracking.

Ingredient Preparation and Handling

  • Control Point: Prevent contamination during ingredient preparation.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Sanitation and hygiene control module tracks cleaning protocols and personnel training.
  • Monitoring: Real-time logging of cleaning and sanitizing processes through InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: All equipment must be sanitized before use, verified via InterlinkIQ’s sanitation tracking system.

Formulation Control

  • Control Point: Ensure accurate formulation of functional ingredients.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Formulation management module tracks ingredient ratios and concentrations.
  • Monitoring: Automated logging of weighing and measuring processes in InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Formulations must adhere to specified ratios, monitored through InterlinkIQ’s batch record system

pH and Temperature Control (if applicable)

  • Control Point: Monitor pH and temperature during processing.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: pH and temperature monitoring module provides real-time data logging and alerts.
  • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of pH and temperature throughout production via InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: pH and temperature must remain within specified limits, managed through InterlinkIQ’s process control system.

Microbial Testing of Ingredients

  • Control Point: Ensure all ingredients are free from harmful microorganisms.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Microbial testing module schedules and tracks testing of raw materials and products.
  • Monitoring: Automated logging of microbial test results through InterlinkIQ’s quality control system.
  • Critical Limit: No harmful microorganisms should be detected, tracked through InterlinkIQ’s microbial management system

Blending and Mixing

  • Control Point: Ensure uniform distribution of functional ingredients.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Mixing control module tracks mixing times and speeds.
  • Monitoring: Real-time data logging of the mixing process via InterlinkIQ to ensure uniformity.
  • Critical Limit: Ingredients must be evenly mixed, with process data verified through InterlinkIQ.

Thermal Processing (if applicable)

  • Control Point: Ensure effective thermal processing for safety and stability.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Thermal processing module monitors time and temperature parameters.
  • Monitoring: Continuous logging and alerts for deviations from processing standards through InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Processing parameters must meet safety standards, tracked through InterlinkIQ’s thermal control system.


  • Control Point: Ensure rapid cooling of products post-processing.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Cooling control module tracks cooling temperatures and times.
  • Monitoring: Automated alerts for temperature deviations managed through InterlinkIQ’s cooling monitoring system.
  • Critical Limit: Products must be cooled to specified temperatures within required time frames, monitored via InterlinkIQ

Packaging and Sealing

  • Control Point: Ensure proper packaging and sealing to maintain product safety.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Packaging control module monitors seal integrity and packaging inspections.
  • Monitoring: Real-time data logging for packaging checks and alerts for defects through InterlinkIQ.
  • Critical Limit: Packaging must be defect-free and sealed properly, verified through InterlinkIQ’s packaging monitoring system.

Finished Product Testing

  • Control Point: Ensure that finished products meet safety and quality standards.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Finished product testing module schedules and tracks microbial and quality tests.
  • Monitoring: Microbial test results and quality checks are logged automatically through InterlinkIQ’s finished product monitoring system.
  • Critical Limit: Finished products must meet all safety tests, tracked through InterlinkIQ.

Shelf Life and Stability Testing

  • Control Point: Assess product stability to ensure efficacy over time.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Stability testing module tracks shelf life studies and quality evaluations.
  • Monitoring: Regular data logging of stability studies through InterlinkIQ’s stability management system.
  • Critical Limit: Products must retain effectiveness throughout their claimed shelf life, tracked via InterlinkIQ.

Traceability and Recall Procedures

  • Control Point: Ensure full traceability of ingredients and finished products.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Traceability module tracks all production data, batch numbers, and supplier details.
  • Monitoring: Real-time data logging for full traceability managed through InterlinkIQ’s recall and traceability system.
  • Critical Limit: 100% traceability is required, with all data captured in InterlinkIQ.

InterlinkIQ software provides robust tools for managing Critical Control Points (CCPs) in the production of functional foods. From raw material sourcing and ingredient preparation to formulation control, microbial testing, and shelf-life evaluation, InterlinkIQ ensures that all products meet safety, quality, and regulatory standards. The software’s real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and traceability functions support efficient production processes and facilitate rapid responses to potential recalls or quality issues.

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