Aquaculture CCPs

Water Quality Monitoring

  • Control Point: Ensure water quality parameters such as pH, oxygen levels, and temperature remain within safe limits.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Real-time water quality tracking using sensors integrated into the system.
  • Monitoring: Automated alerts for deviations in water pH, oxygen levels, and temperature.
  • Critical Limit: Water parameters must stay within specified ranges, with real-time monitoring and instant alerts for any deviations.

Feed Quality and Safety

  • Control Point: Ensure feed is free from contaminants and meets nutritional standards.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Feed quality tracking integrated with supplier verification and testing results.
  • Monitoring: Automated feed testing reports and supplier compliance logs tracked in real-time by the system.
  • Critical Limit: No contaminants detected in feed, and nutritional content meets requirements, verified by automated testing data.

Stock Health Monitoring

  • Control Point: Ensure the health of fish or aquatic species through routine checks.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Health monitoring logs integrated with veterinary inspections and diagnostics.
  • Monitoring: Real-time tracking of health checks and veterinary results within the system.
  • Critical Limit: No signs of disease in stock, with automated health reports and alerts for potential health risks.

Stock Density Control

  • Control Point: Maintain appropriate stock density to avoid stress and overcrowding.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Automated stock density tracking based on real-time data from inventory and facility metrics.
  • Monitoring: System alerts when stock density approaches critical levels.
  • Critical Limit: Stock density stays within safe limits, monitored and adjusted automatically by the system.

Medication and Chemical Use

  • Control Point: Proper usage and monitoring of medications, antibiotics, and chemicals.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Medication tracking with dosage logs, usage history, and withdrawal period automation.
  • Monitoring: Real-time tracking of medication dosages and automated reminders for withdrawal periods.
  • Critical Limit: Medications used per guidelines, tracked by the system with alerts for withdrawal period compliance.

Harvesting Procedures

  • Control Point: Ensure safe and hygienic harvesting practices to avoid contamination.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Harvesting protocols integrated into hygiene and equipment monitoring within the system.
  • Monitoring: Automated checks of water quality, equipment sanitation, and hygiene compliance during harvesting.
  • Critical Limit: No contamination during harvest, verified by real-time tracking of hygiene procedures

Processing and Packaging

  • Control Point: Ensure proper processing and packaging to prevent contamination.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Packaging and processing controls integrated with cross-contamination prevention checks.
  • Monitoring: Real-time inspections and validation of packaging materials and processes.
  • Critical Limit: Packaging materials and processes meet safety standards, monitored and logged by the system.

Storage and Transportation

  • Control Point: Maintain correct storage and transportation conditions to ensure product quality.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Automated monitoring of storage and transport conditions, including temperature and humidity.
  • Monitoring: Real-time alerts for deviations in storage and transport parameters.
  • Critical Limit: Storage and transport conditions maintained within specified limits, with automated tracking and alerts for non-compliance.

Traceability and Recall

  • Control Point: Ensure full traceability of stock, feed, and medications used in production.
  • InterlinkIQ Feature: Complete traceability module tracking stock origins, feed suppliers, and chemical usage.
  • Monitoring: Automated batch tracking and traceability reports for all inputs and processes.
  • Critical Limit: 100% traceability, with automated recall capabilities in case of contamination or defect, tracked through the system.

With InterlinkIQ’s advanced software integration, aquaculture operations benefit from real-time tracking, automation, and alerts to manage CCPs efficiently. From water quality and stock health to traceability and recall, InterlinkIQ ensures consistent monitoring and compliance, reducing the risk of contamination and enhancing product safety throughout the production process.

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