Cereal CCPs

Raw Material Sourcing and Verification

    • Control Point: Ensure all raw materials meet safety standards.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Supplier management module tracks certifications and COA verifications.
    • Monitoring: Automated supplier verification and contaminant screening via InterlinkIQ.
    • Critical Limit: Only approved suppliers are used, managed through InterlinkIQ’s supplier compliance system.

Grain Receiving and Storage

    • Control Point: Maintain proper storage conditions for grains.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Real-time temperature and humidity monitoring in grain storage facilities.
    • Monitoring: Continuous data tracking and alerts for deviations via InterlinkIQ.
    • Critical Limit: Storage conditions must remain within safe limits, tracked by InterlinkIQ’s environmental monitoring system.

Moisture Content Control

    • Control Point: Control moisture content during processing.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Moisture level tracking system integrated into the processing line.
    • Monitoring: Real-time moisture monitoring, with alerts for non-compliance.
    • Critical Limit: Moisture must remain below 12-14%, validated through InterlinkIQ’s automated moisture control module.

Allergen Management

    • Control Point: Prevent cross-contact with allergens.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Allergen control module automates allergen segregation and equipment sanitation.
    • Monitoring: Real-time allergen control monitoring via InterlinkIQ, with alerts for improper handling.
    • Critical Limit: Zero cross-contamination, managed through InterlinkIQ’s allergen compliance system.

Metal Detection

    • Control Point: Ensure products are free from metal contaminants.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Metal detection module tracks real-time data from detectors along the production line.
    • Monitoring: Automated logging of metal detection results, with alerts for any metal contaminants.
    • Critical Limit: No metal contaminants allowed, tracked by InterlinkIQ’s detection and alert system.

Fortification and Ingredient Mixing

    • Control Point: Ensure accurate ingredient mixing for consistent product fortification.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Ingredient management module tracks weights and mixing parameters.
    • Monitoring: Real-time ingredient usage and mixing compliance via InterlinkIQ.
    • Critical Limit: Fortification levels must meet targets, managed through InterlinkIQ’s fortification tracking system.

Cooking/Extrusion Temperature Control

    • Control Point: Maintain proper cooking/extrusion temperatures.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Temperature monitoring module tracks cooking and extrusion conditions in real-time.
    • Monitoring: Continuous temperature logging with automated alerts through InterlinkIQ.
    • Critical Limit: Cooking temperatures must meet safety requirements, tracked by InterlinkIQ’s temperature control system.

Drying and Cooling

    • Control Point: Control moisture during drying and cooling.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Drying and cooling process control module monitors moisture and temperature.
    • Monitoring: Real-time drying and cooling data logged and tracked via InterlinkIQ.
    • Critical Limit: Final moisture content must be below 12%, monitored through InterlinkIQ’s process tracking.

Packaging Integrity

    • Control Point: Ensure packaging prevents contamination and preserves product freshness.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Packaging integrity module monitors sealing and labeling processes.
    • Monitoring: Automated packaging checks and real-time tracking via InterlinkIQ.
    • Critical Limit: Packaging must be intact and properly labeled, verified by InterlinkIQ’s packaging control system.

Storage and Distribution

    • Control Point: Maintain proper conditions during storage and distribution.
    • InterlinkIQ Feature: Distribution monitoring module tracks temperature and humidity in storage and transport.
    • Monitoring: Real-time storage and transportation data logged and tracked through InterlinkIQ.
    • Critical Limit: Safe storage conditions (temperature below 25°C, 60% RH) must be maintained, tracked by InterlinkIQ’s storage management system.

InterlinkIQ software automates and enhances the management of Critical Control Points (CCPs) in cereal production. From raw material sourcing, temperature and moisture control, allergen management, to packaging and distribution, InterlinkIQ provides real-time monitoring, automated alerts, and compliance tracking. This ensures cereals are produced safely, meeting regulatory standards while maintaining product quality and efficiency across the entire production process.

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