
Combines aquaculture with hydroponics (growing plants in water) in a closed-loop system where the waste from fish provides nutrients for plants, and plants help filter and clean the water for fish.

Biofloc Technology

A system where microorganisms (biofloc) are cultivated in the water to improve water quality and provide additional feed for fish, often used in shrimp farming.

Brackish Water Aquaculture

Finfish Farming (fish that thrive in brackish water, such as certain species of tilapia and milkfish); Shellfish Farming (shellfish in brackish water environments, like some species of clams and oysters)

Cage Farming

Farming fish in cages suspended in natural water bodies (marine or freshwater) to optimize space and manage environmental conditions.

Freshwater Aquaculture

Finfish (freshwater fish including tilapia, catfish, trout, carp, and barramundi); Shellfish (Farming of freshwater shellfish like freshwater clams and mussels); Aquatic Plants (Cultivation of freshwater aquatic plants such as water spinach, duckweed, and water hyacinth)

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA)

Combining the cultivation of different species at various trophic levels in the same system, such as finfish, shellfish, and seaweeds, to create a balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

Marine Aquaculture (Mariculture)

Finfish (marine fish such as salmon, sea bass, sea bream, and tuna); Shellfish (marine shellfish like oysters, mussels, clams, and scallops); Seaweeds (edible seaweeds such as nori, kelp, wakame, and dulse)

Pond Culture

Cultivation of aquatic organisms in outdoor ponds, typically used for freshwater fish and some shellfish species.

Raceway Systems

Farming fish in long, narrow tanks with continuous water flow, commonly used for species like salmon and trout.

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)

Intensive farming method using closed-loop systems that recycle water, often used for high-value species like trout and shrimp.

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